Character in Focus – Dwade Khan

Written by Bec Joannou

Bec is the Photographic Artist behind The World of Swevenia.

January 4, 2024

A delightful case of Fashionista Fever! 

Dwade Khan is a popular personality in Swevenia. For the last 3 years this bat has been an influential leader in fashion trends on the mainland, fusing street wear & classic vibes with a splash of ‘bling.’ It’s hard not to spot Khan in a crowd, his novel style and jovial personality are all part of his parcel – he relishes standing out! Fable & Fika Magazine recently enjoyed a slice of chocolate mud cake with white chocolate ganache (one of his favourites) and a pot of Earl Grey Tea with Dwade. We asked him about his unique look, how his love of clothing developed and what looking dapper means to him and his confidence. Dwade also shared some of his most dashing dress secrets and let it slip about what he classes as a fashion ‘disaster!’

How would you describe yours­elf in a few words?

DK: Really? Am I only limited to a few words? Just kidding! Look, I’d definitely say ‘colourful!’ I’ve always loved the term Joie de vivre – that’s me to a tee. I think if we are alive, we must promote an exuberant enjoyment for the mere fact were are even here, living, breathing and in the vertical position! Life is there to be lived, so I choose to be the best version of myself, both inside and outside!

Who is your fashion icon?

DK: You know, I’m asked that quite a lot and I actually don’t have one! I give free rein to my imagination when I open my wardrobe each morning. With regards to clothing, the number one rule is to just to ‘break the rules!’ I really don’t have a care for stereotypes or norms. I see fashion and clothing as a form of self-expression. You have to enjoy wearing your threads, rocking your threads and allowing your threads to make you shine brighter and play harder! Clothing must compliment your personality in my opinion. The main thing is, it must be fun AND it must make you feel good! At the end of the day, other people’s opinions are irrelevant – who is anyone to judge anyway? What is the point of judging others? NO ONE is perfect, I think we are all ‘imperfectly perfect’ just as we are and how we choose to present ourselves!

What hard-and-fast rule do you have concerning fashion?

DK: Rules? No, you don’t need rules! Dress Codes? What are they? They are for people who judge or worry too much about what the person standing next to them thinks! I don’t take myself to seriously & I refuse to be a ‘follower’ so to speak. I like to create my own sense of style and one-of-a-kind look. I’m not concerned about the styles of the day or the times. Look, I think anyone can express themselves in any way they choose to! I believe if you break the rules when you decide what to wear, you’re guaranteed to have more fun anyway! What you think looks good and what you choose to wear is 100% your liberty! Why should there by judgement in fashion? I say, let’s put these stiff-necked side-lookers to the ‘boring’ side of the road! The street is there to strut darling… so let’s just walk right along with our heads held high & dressed to kill!

How did you develop your own style?

DK: I was very young. I’ve just always loved experimenting with colour, textures, various fabrics and noticing how they fall and team up with other items. Accessories are also so much fun! You can really customize and personalize your look using accessories. I love blacks and bold shimmers (gold, pink, red, silver in particular), I love leather and satins. I love combining various textures with crazy bits and pieces together like cravats, a gold chain, sunglasses, shoes, boots & belts. I’d describe my style as a High-End Street Vibes, with a touch of bling.                                    

What items do you always carry around with you and what features of a garment do you feel is a necessity?

DK: I always carry my keys and my sunglasses. Pockets are a necessity for that reason, so I do love the versatility of a jacket. Sunglasses are quite useful for me during the day, they cut the glare on my sensitive eyes. I’m actually enjoying how edgy they make me look, I reckon I look awesome in them! As a bat, I’m biologically inclined to be a ‘nocturnal’ creature, but find myself socializing more with daytime dwellers lately – there’s so much that goes on when the sun is up and there is definitely more of a chance of being noticed and better known, so why should I miss that? Sunglasses have been a game changer for me in daylight hours! Everyone notices a sharp-dressed man in sunglasses, it adds an element of sass and mystique!

Does it matter to you if people don’t like your fashion sense?

DK: Hell no! How I feel about how I present myself is all that counts. Like it or hate it, it really makes no difference to me in the slightest. Look, I give very little thought to what other people’s fashion opinions and preferences are. Why should anyone feel the need to please others? You can never please everyone, nor should one even try. Being a ‘people pleaser’ automatically puts one into a ‘permanent fail’ category. You can’t please everyone and even if you were silly enough to try, it would end in tears. If you decide to be a ‘people pleaser,’ then you will never excite anyone at all or stand out in your own way! All you do it limit yourself and do yourself a disservice!

That is so true Dwade. So, what sorts of accessories are your favourites and why?

DK: Well, I do love a well-cut and designed leather jacket – it compliments any type of attire. The final look shouldn’t end just with clothes – shoes are just as important. I love shoes and I have quite a collection of them. I adore my Doc Martin boots in various colours! I also have some Lena Vlades signature boots with leather bat wings on the ankles – they such a statement piece! I love wearing these with my red satin boxer shorts and robe around the house! You never know who is going to knock on the door, looking good is important 24/7. Oh, I almost forgot, a fine cologne is essential too, I love fresh, memorable and masculine notes in fragrances.

Tell us about your very own Personal Fashion Designer?

DK: Oh yes! She is so amazing! She’s been in the clothing design business for decades and I was fortunate enough to meet her on a visit to a fashion show in Pegasus County a few years back. I often visit her when I’m up that way with more ideas or even write to her with some thoughts and sketches and she just comes up with her magic! Her name is Meredith Theodore and her label is Just Shining. Believe me, in Meredith’s clothes, you do nothing less than shine! She has designed and made all of my clothing exclusive to my tastes. Each piece I wear is a one-of-a-kind piece and not a mass-produced item. Meredith really prides herself in designing for a specific client in mind and she relishes capturing the essence of that person in her work. I would say, Meredith and I are like a Yin and Yang – she totally understands me, my eclectic style and my eccentric personality. She is an extremely talented seamstress and designer and I am fortunate to call her my friend.

Does Meredith take commissions?

DK: Oh yes, she is available for private commission for clients as well as creates custom clothing for sale. She’s been designing clothing for Blythe and Ball Jointed Dolls for decades. Her work is so impeccable and detailed for the small scale she works on. It’s mind blowing really. She’s extremely lovely and people can find her or contact her on Instagram @_just_shining_

Apart from yourself, who’s clothing stands out to you the most in Swevenia?

DK: Oh, without a second thought, it has to be the Queen. Oh, my goodness, where do you start with the young Queen Ravenna and her impeccable dress sense? All of her clothing is my favourite colour (black – if you call it a colour), but she has some of the most gorgeous gowns, skirts and blouses with interesting texturing, decadent trims, rare laces and feathers…. Again, it is all the work of our talented fashion designer, Meredith Theodore. Meredith understands the Queen, her personality and the requirements for royal engagements and she is extremely honoured to be Ravenna’s personal and exclusive dress-designer.

In a clothing sense, it’s obvious ‘anything goes’ in Dwade’s world. But do you have any ‘absolute no-nos’ with regards to dress sense?

DK: Oh gee, I hoped you might not ask that! There is something I would definitely not wear and personally find it distasteful (but, given our discussions, if you like it, who am I to judge)? (Dwade hesitates). Oh really, it’s almost too traumatic to mention … Look, it would sound like I’m contradicting myself if I dare even mention it…

…don’t spoil it for us now Dwade! Put us out of our misery and reveal what this ‘absolute no no’ is!

DK: Yikes! …Ok, it’s wearing thongs with socks. It is illegal in my opinion. A prison sentence should be considered for offenders of such a hideous crime (Dwade shakes his head and cradles his face in his hands)! Maybe you should skip that out of the interview, eh?

Err yes, that isn’t a good look, I’d have to agree with you there. Moving right along… What do you do to take care of your body and health?

DK: Well, I love eating and sleeping naturally – I mean these are two things required for life, right? By the way, this chocolate cake is decedent! Is there any chance for a second slice? (Dwade cuts himself a large chunk while continuing with the discussion). You know what though, I have made some big changes in recent years. I now try to sleep more at night. I’ve switched my body clock around fully so that I spend most of my time with day-dwellers. It’s changed my life completely – for the better! I’ve met so many great friends and I’ve learnt so much during daylight hours and I’ve become better known around the mainland. People can actually SEE easily during the day, so it maximizes my chances of being noticed – win, win! I certainly have more fun by day and I’m enjoying getting my essential beauty sleep at night with the rest of my household.

Do you help others in Swevenia with advice on clothing?

DK: Sure. I live with a couple of friends. My little friend Ludmilla is often asking me what she should wear. I love helping her and her girlfriends out with their wardrobe choices. Luda edges more on the classic-goth side – it suits her, and the main thing is, she feels herself and comfortable. I never push my style or what I like to wear on anyone, my motto is – dress to feel good about yourself and the rest will follow.

You seem to be a popular lad on the mainland and very well liked? Would you say everyone feels that way or are there some who don’t seem to understand Dwade Khan?

DK: I get along well with everyone really. Like I said before, if someone doesn’t like me or my fashion sense, that isn’t my business and I don’t hold it against them. There is one young Mandrake lass who doesn’t seem to understand me at all. She seems to fly of the handle at me for no reason every time I see her. She’s only a moppet, its ok, ‘not my circus, not my monkey’s’ I say! Look for some, I’m sure they might find it a tad strange that a bat socialises with day dwellers, because they’d expect me to be noctivagant. A bat by the law of nature is a nyctophile or darkling, but I like to stand out and be different! There is only one thing I do not like: if people associate me with those dark thistle rabbit sorcerers. I draw a line in the sand there. I certainly rebuke & refute whole-heartedly that unsavory association!

What do you hope to achieve in 2024?

DK: Well, I know this might sound a bit silly, but I have my eye on a young lass… errr, I’m not sure if she’s interested in me, but I’m absolutely certain she has noticed me! She’s a busy young lady with a medical career, but I’m just going to try my luck and get to know her more over the year and see if I can ask her out. Wish me luck! Perhaps I might get clumsy, slip and have a fall to break my arm! Now that’s a way I could I get her help, yes? You know, a fashion arm sling embellished with sequins, diamante crystals or pearls would work well with my current wardrobe, wouldn’t it? Ha ha…I’m joking… I really have to plan my moves and strategy, breaking an arm or leg isn’t ideal.

Best wishes with the young lady you have your eye on! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today, Dwade!

DK: Thank you Bec. In order to finish off that pot of tea, hey, is there any chance of another wee-third slice of that cake? The remaining tea will wash it down nicely, what do you say?

We hope this insightful interview helped you to get to know our resident ‘show pony,’ Dwade Khan better.

In the meantime, don’t forget to enjoy the little things… and remember, everything should have a dash or tea, cake and magic!

All words, stories and ideas presented in this blog are Copyright © 2024 Bec Joannou & The World of Swevenia. All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced or used without permission from the author.


  1. Meredith

    Dear Lovely Dwade,
    You are such a pleasure to work with. I should be back to work in the sewing room soon – I have been so busy with other things lately. Life does get in the way at times!!
    Sooooooo – tell me – I know its only early in the year – but have you caught the eye of that young lass yet?

    • Bec Joannou

      Dear Meredith, you are so wonderful! You actually know this lass and you’ve made some threads for her too. It’s Miss Rosie (shhhh)! I’m a tad shy, but hopefully I’ll muster up some effort to get her attention! Any suggestions would be appreciated. I will be in contact again soon. I’m getting the vibes that I might need a set of bell-bottom leather slacks at some stage to match my bomber jacket! Nighty, Dwade xx

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